I initially require an opinion on whether it is worth my pursuing this, or will I end up 'throwing good money after bad'?
Posted on 26 May 2021
One year ago I started discussions with a model rail builder to build and supply a model railway. I paid a deposit of £2000 in June 2020, which was described as 'non refundable'. We have subsequently exchanged a number of emails about this commission but I have never been supplied with a start or finish date for the work, and as far as I am aware nothing has been done. After a year of enquiring and exchanging emails I decided to finish with this supplier and wrote to them on 21 May 2021 to confirm this and asked for my deposit back. I received a long and rambling reply justifying his position and refusing to return my deposit.
I emphasise that at this stage I am only looking for advice as to whether it is worth my while pursuing this case, or if I would merely be throwing good money after bad.
Thank you