I am expecting my baby in 9 weeks and have just received a solicitors letter stating unreasonable demands of the Father
Posted on 4 Jun 2019
I am 31 weeks pregnant that was a result of a one night stand. At the beginning of the pregnancy the Father was informed and kept updated of appointments and scans, there has been some conflict and communication ceased approximately 10 weeks ago. The communication had been threatening and caused stress to myself and unborn child.
I have just received a solicitor's letter outlining several demands from the Father which I will summarise and list:
* Pre natal paternity test to be carried out.
* Accompany me to register birth
* Father wants child to have his surname
*Regular contact at my address when newborn and unsupervised at a later date.
Do I have to respond to any of the above? I am about to start maternity leave very soon and will not be able to finance solicitors fees. Can the Father carry through these demands?