Social services have not stuck to a supervision order?
Posted on 17 May 2019
Hi please help, a supervision order was granted for 12 months last 1st May. The case should of been closed now but because of issues with change of social worker/manager & around supervised contact with my children's father this has been delayed. Social services had a duty to make arrangements for after the 12 month supervision order expires, on the final court order this states a suitable venue, it was always said by my old social worker that it would still remain in the contact centre with my sister supervising the contact as it but her doing it alone, now it has changed & they are saying that it would be held in a children's play centre, this was not what was agreed, my children's dad is a child abuser and is very hi risk to women and children, my son has recently disclosed what has actually happened to him, i have informed the social worker, school & police, at the time there was not enough evidence to take it to the criminal courts, it was through the family courts, social services know he has hurt my child in the most horrendous way & think that is ok to see his children in a play centre, he is very hi risk still, he refused to complete all assessments offered to him, my sister was a witness at court & the only reason that she agreeed to supervise the contact was to ensure the children's safety & because we where told she could carry on with the contact centre where the childeen and her would feel safe, what will happen if I stop the contact because the social services are not willing to provide what they said at the beginning? We will not agree with there plan as this puts my children & sister at risk of harm, they said that if we didn't except it then they will not close the case and it will be passed over to another team in my area, this exposes where me & the children live to him, i have a restraining order on him until next year, but i feel that if I stop the contact because of the plan being changed that we will be at risk, how can i go about this please? Do I make a formal complaint to the ombudsman? Seek legal advice from a family law solicitor, i don't know what to do, please help me, I'm very concerned for my children's safety & welfare because of what they are trying to impose