Police officers have told me, that the local council have warned them that I a violent person, this is a lie.
Posted on 16 Apr 2018
I received a visit from two police officers yesterday, they told me that they had been sent by the local council as I had made a flippant comment to them some weeks beforehand about blowing my brains out.
After the laughter had subsided, they informed me that the council had warned them that I was a large person that could become dangerous and violent and had also ripped street signage out of the ground.
This was to say the least a bit of a shock to me, as I am around 5’9” and 59 years old, no history of violence and I cant think of anybody who is capable of ripping street signs out of the ground, let alone me.
I tried to talk to someone at the council, but as normal, this was impossible, so send an email to who I thought would have something to do with the report.
At 12:30 today, I still had not received a reply, so I telephoned the council, asked to speak to the person involved, and had to leave a voicemail.
When I finally received a callback, I explained what had happened and said that I wanted to know who had made the defamatory statements, she refused to tell me who it was and told me to get my solicitor to call them, she did mention though that she had been informed of my actions by the workmen involved in roadworks outside where I live.
I popped outside and saw the workman in charge of the works about what they had allegedly said and he laughed and said he was the only one of the three workman there who could speak English, plus there was no signage there that I could have ripped out.
He was obviously not very pleased that he or the other two workmen had been falsely accused of saying such things.
I have been accused of being violent maniac and accused of criminal damage.
Neither of these statements are true and I think the way the council have acted is totally disgusting.
Thanks to the stress already caused by the council, I can no longer work and so cannot afford a solicitor to fight this for me, please can anyone here help me?