Fiance visa info
Posted on 12 Apr 2018
Hi, I need to some help, I got married in UK and was separated in 2011, in 2014 we had Islamic divorce, and submitted application for UK decree of divorce in 2016, as there was property involved that I was owner , my wife/ex took really long to confirm the divorce, we finally signed minutes ofagreement in 2017 March, which were registered by Scottish courts in May 2017 confirming that I will take my name of the property and we both will let the divorce proceed without any objection . I did sign the document but as she was in Scotland and I am in England, she was the main applicant of divorce and she was not submitting the documents and just delaying it for no reason. no I went to Pakistan and has a nikah there and while registering the nikah in union council they took a copy of this Islamic divorce. now I have finally received the Final extract of divorce (1st wife)in March 2018. and I am wanting my 2nd(current)wife in Pakistan to come to UK . I have realised now that a can not apply for spouse visa as according to UK law I was not a free man at that time when I was divorced, BUT my question is that can I apply for a Fiance visa and say that we had a religious nikah ceremony in Pakistan and as now my UK marriage is desolved I want to marry/registered marriage in UK?
My current wife got her passport made in sept 2017 showing my name as husbend name.