What happens if the executor of a will dies?
Posted on 21 Aug 2017
My grandma made my uncle executor of her will with my dads blessing. When my grandma died at the funeral my uncle told us that he had been left 3/4 and my dad 1/4 of what ever my grandma had, and my son had been left £100. He also promised us a copy of the will, this never arrived and we have not received anything yet, my grandma died June 2016. My uncle died very suddenly in May this year and now we have no idea where any of my grandmas money is or how we get a copy of the will. I rang my grandmas solicitor and they said it was passed to the executor in June 2016 and couldnt do anything else. My uncle has a son who lives in America he flew home for the funeral and then back a day later, I don't know where he lives, and don't want to ask him about the will. How do we at least get a copy of my grandmas will?